Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have the pleasure of starting a new job in a few days. It's a new situation for me though. Always in the past I have been the one seeking employment, not this time. This time I was sought out for my talents and abilities. For those out there who have never been pursued by an employer it's a very gratifying feeling to be wanted and valued.

This however is not the only time in my life I have been sought after. God has pursued me all of my days. He has a wanted poster on his wall with my face on it. He has one for you too. To think that the creator of all things seeks me out everyday because I am valuable because I am wanted is almost beyond my ability to comprehend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kid's Music

I spent some time tonight on itunes downloading music for my kids. I had forgotten what it was like to listen to music just for fun. Not seeking a spiritual boost or trying to enhance my time with God but just have fun and know that's OK. He gave us things like music to praise and edify him but they are also intended to bring joy to our lives. I am wondering how many other things in my life I no longer find Joy in. How does that happen how to we let the Joyful things get all tangled up in drudgery?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Second Life.....

I just had one of the most strange yet incredible experiences of my life....my second life that is. The church I am a member of has set up a presence in the online game second life. They created a virtual campus ( we have many locations that get teaching via satellite transmission) that looks like one of our real world locations. So I was hanging out in the lobby and someone came in and started asking questions. And God led me though my first ever on line witness. It was wild! I am so excited for this guy! He was someone who would never set foot inside a real church...but was impressed that we were willing to come where he was. I hope he finds everlasting life in second life!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pocket full of Kryptonite!

My kids are watching Saturday morning cartoons, specifically Superdog. Superdog had been exposed to red Kryptonite and it caused all kinds of problems. Any Superman man fan worth his salt knows that their are two colors of Kryptonite, red and green, right? Well with help of google and some Superman superfans I discovered their are many colors of Kryptonite, each causing various problems.... all bad. This is not unlike sin it comes in many different colors, causing various problems in our lives....all bad. What color of Kryptonite is in your pocket?

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Is your life in the red letters? Are the words of Jesus a guidepost for you? I have been a believer in Christ since I was thirteen. Until recently I never really tried to live my life in the red letters. I was not living in open rebellion of God's word, but was not living the way Christ lived either. Over the last 5 0r 6 years God has surrounded me with people who have a passion burning in their hearts to live their lives in the red letters, living like Christ. How do I find that passion, can I find it? How do I live life in the red letters?