Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Kid's Music

I spent some time tonight on itunes downloading music for my kids. I had forgotten what it was like to listen to music just for fun. Not seeking a spiritual boost or trying to enhance my time with God but just have fun and know that's OK. He gave us things like music to praise and edify him but they are also intended to bring joy to our lives. I am wondering how many other things in my life I no longer find Joy in. How does that happen how to we let the Joyful things get all tangled up in drudgery?


Tom Moneypenny said...

I think that's one of the reasons God gives us children... so that we never forget how to have fun. Mine are both teenagers, so the challenges are different, but the joy is there.
Kyle, just picturing your two dancing and laughing to the music with their dad brings a smile to my face.

Kyle McCLain said...

Don't you mean three? Connor has become quite the dancer.

Anonymous said...

I think Christians in the US have done a tremendous job of putting our lives into categories. My categories look like this Family, Work, Hobbies, Going to church, Time Killers, Helping a friend, etc... We have then taken these categories and said this is a "spiritual" activity and this is not. This is all messed up! What I have come to realize is that everything I do is spiritual. My work is not a secular job but job that glorifies God. Spending time wrestling on the floor with my two boys is blessing given to me by God. A peppermint ice cream cone on hot summer night is a gift from God. Cleaning up the kitchen after my wife has made us dinner is spiritual act of worship because I am serving my family. God wants us to enjoy Him and invite Him into every single activity in our lives.