Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pocket full of Kryptonite!

My kids are watching Saturday morning cartoons, specifically Superdog. Superdog had been exposed to red Kryptonite and it caused all kinds of problems. Any Superman man fan worth his salt knows that their are two colors of Kryptonite, red and green, right? Well with help of google and some Superman superfans I discovered their are many colors of Kryptonite, each causing various problems.... all bad. This is not unlike sin it comes in many different colors, causing various problems in our lives....all bad. What color of Kryptonite is in your pocket?


Unknown said...
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Iamthe4thmusketeer said...

My wife told me the other day that I could be selfish sometimes! I couldn't believe it. I think that the color of selfishness is neon orange. Don't know why but I am sure it is neon orange.

Iamthe4thmusketeer said...

My wife told me the other day that I can be selfish. I think that the color of selfishness is neon orange.

Unknown said...

Nice start to a blog! I really like the Superman reference.
And to answer what color of Kryptonite I have in my pocket, let's just say it looks like a bag of Jelly Bellies that I have to dump every day.
Well great! Now I can't have Jelly Bellies again because of that analogy.